Atomic (scheduling) habits?

Sometimes I fall victim to not giving my own “Type A” quirks enough credit. Until a wildly popular book made me rethink their power. I finished reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear today and immediately said out loud, “Well, I could have written that.” A quiet voice in the back of my head whispered (once […]

Goal setting with intentions

Don’t forget to enjoy the journey! It’s January. A new year. And with the start of a new year many of us are inspired to set resolutions or goals that can range from weight loss and exercise, to relationships, to financial health and success. There might be various strategies (join a gym!) and milestones to […]

Hitting the reset button

How do you “reset” when it feels like everything that could possibly go wrong actually…does? Does it completely derail your day? Or, are you able to refocus? Read ahead for some quick, easy tips for getting your mind – and day – back on track. How do you reset and restart when you wake up […]

Stop taking yourself so seriously

Sometimes the look on your face, or tone of your voice, can change the mood of entire meeting. How aware are you of your facial expressions, and the vibe you give in meetings or group discussions? This headline is a mantra I repeat to myself every day. In general, I approach life with a blend […]

Asking the right question

When faced with a difficult solution or problem, how often do you jump to solution, rather than taking the time to truly understand the issue? Today I’m highlighting the power of embracing the pause, listening, and asking the right question. Some of my regular readers might know or remember that I have MS. I manage […]

Boundaries: barriers or strategic enablers?

Setting boundaries is an act of love toward yourself and an act of respect toward others. Boundaries. For many of you, the headline above might suggest the answer must be an “either/or” as opposed to “both/and.” There are no right or wrong answers on this question. It is truly a matter of perspective, personal and […]

Work-life harmony vs. Balance

How would it shift your mindset if the goal was to attain work-life harmony vs. balance? Balance. Harmony. What is the difference, and why does it matter? By textbook definition, balance implies an even distribution of weight enabling someone or something to remain steady and upright. Where harmony, by definition, is the combination of simultaneously […]

Do you know when to listen to your “gut” feeling?

How often do you listen to your gut feeling? Your instincts might be your #1 tool for making your best decisions. First things first, what does that term – “gut feeling” – mean? You know it when you sense it. It’s that voice in your head who whispers advice, knowledge, guidance from some inexplicable, mysterious […]

Embracing solitude: a challenge

When is the last time you asked yourself: Who am I when no one’s watching? Why is our relationship with ourselves often the most neglected relationship in our lives? “Loneliness is the poverty of self; solitude is the richness of self.” – May Sarton Last week I accepted a challenge. A Solitude Challenge. Specifically, a […]

The power of play: a conversation with my 10-year-old

Without the benefit of research, hard data, or information from “the experts,” my son answered and solved in a brief conversation all the reasons taking time to play is necessary to our hearts, minds, spirits. Play is a topic many people laugh off as fluffy, aspirational, something only kids do, or a luxury for the […]