Grounded uncertainty: futurecasting vs. Forecasting
How do you navigate a world that operates in shades of gray? What tools do you leverage to prepare for what might be next? While many people use the terms “forecasting” and “futurecasting” interchangeably, I caution there is a subtle, fundamental difference between the two. What tools serve you best? Change is one of the […]
Coloring outside the comfort zone lines
Why is it important to stretch out of your Comfort Zone? Ask yourself this: What might you be sacrificing, missing out on, if you aren’t open to trying something new? While staying in your bubble of safety, what potential possibilities are passing you by? Earlier today I was reflecting on the sense of joy, pride, […]
Reignite your spark
It’s time to re-center, focus on what’s most important, and be kind to yourself. Burnout. There are many symptoms and causes, and we all know it when we feel it. As we enter the spring season, full of growth and promise, it is also easy to feel overwhelmed by promises, activities, and plans both at […]
Work burnout, disengagement, or moral conflict?
How do you identify when you might be experiencing more than disengagement or burnout? When it’s a deeper, values conflict? And, how do you respond? This week’s episode of Fast Company’s podcast The New Way We Work hosted a fascinating conversation live from their Innovation Festival. The topic, Beyond Burnout, was primarily dedicated to this question: Why are so many […]
Boundaries (and blurred lines)
We often talk about boundaries in terms of our personal relationships, but neglect the importance of professional boundaries. During the height of the COVID pandemic, lockdowns, and isolation, a lot of the boundaries between personal and professional got pretty murky. Today I discuss the importance of revisiting, recalibrating, and resetting the norms and expectations leaders […]
Knowledge is power – ms awareness month & my story
March is MS Awareness Month. In this article I share my own MS story, as well as resources and facts – lots of facts! – about MS. March 1st marked the beginning of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) month. In honor of this month, I am sharing my own story to raise awareness and to attempt to […]
The full circuit brain workout
To truly workout our brain, and keeps its neural pathways healthy, strong, and efficient, we need to focus on the whole brain. This means more than intellect, but personal connections, relaxation, exercise, and fun! When we think of “exercising our brains” the areas we tend to focus on, more often than not, are related to […]
Learning to say “no” with grace
It’s such a small, but difficult thing to do, saying no. There truly is an art and a grace to saying no, with genuine, authentic truth and care. Earlier today I was writing down my three daily gratitudes when the top one caught me by surprise. It reads, “Today I’m grateful for sticking to my […]
The midlife career shift
“Midlife: when the Universe grabs your shoulders and tells you “I’m not f-ing around, use the gifts you were given.” – Dr. Brene Brown First, I am NOT talking about “midlife crisis” nor am I assigning an age to “middle life” for the purposes of this article. So, how do we define “midlife”? I’m going […]
Comfortable being uncomfortable
How can you shift your mindset to welcome discomfort as growth? Thank you for making me uncomfortable.” This was a comment from one of my clients this week. I paused for a second before responding with a grin and, “That’s what I promised!” As this client and I originally contracted, he agreed that discomfort equals growth. […]