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What’s your plan?

“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” – Antoine de Saint-Exupéry As we enter this new year, a question I’ve posed to all my new clients – business, leadership, life, and wellness clients, both men and women – is this: What does achieving your best self look like in the new year? The […]

Goal setting from a place of abundance

Goal setting from a place of abundance and gratitude, rather than scarcity, allows you to align your goals with your core values, and exponentially increases your motivation to achieve those goals. Here we are, one week away from Thanksgiving, and a time of reflection and #gratitude for all the gifts in our lives, even in […]

Atomic (scheduling) habits?

Sometimes I fall victim to not giving my own “Type A” quirks enough credit. Until a wildly popular book made me rethink their power. I finished reading “Atomic Habits” by James Clear today and immediately said out loud, “Well, I could have written that.” A quiet voice in the back of my head whispered (once […]

Goal setting with intentions

Don’t forget to enjoy the journey! It’s January. A new year. And with the start of a new year many of us are inspired to set resolutions or goals that can range from weight loss and exercise, to relationships, to financial health and success. There might be various strategies (join a gym!) and milestones to […]

Your Most Valuable Asset

What is this asset? Time. That is my answer.   I never fail to be surprised by how we fail to manage our time. More often than not, our calendars, other people’s priorities, and the tool meant to assist us wind up controlling our time and working against us.   What I discovered recently, as […]