The full circuit brain workout

The full circuit brain workout

To truly workout our brain, and keeps its neural pathways healthy, strong, and efficient, we need to focus on the whole brain. This means more than intellect, but personal connections, relaxation, exercise, and fun!

When we think of “exercising our brains” the areas we tend to focus on, more often than not, are related to intellect, memory recall, logic and reason. There is no arguing these are core and vital to our brain’s function, but this also assumes our brain is a single discipline specialist and ignores the complex spiderweb of networks within your brain that function in concert with each other, leaning on one another as needed. This is why a regular, full circuit brain workout is recommended to keep your brain fresh, strong, and active.

Let’s think about all the different ways you use your brain. Over the past week, how often have you read a book or story for pleasure? Danced while listening to music? Did you spend time collaborating with a team or group? Or spend time connecting with someone on an individual basis? What about time planning or organizing a meeting or lunch? Or, challenged yourself to try something new? How often did you smile, laugh, or spend time imaging what the future might hold? Did you spend time meditating or taking some focused quiet time to relax and be still? Did you get your heart rate up with a walk or other type of exercise?

If you answered “yes” to at least a few of the items above, congratulations! All these activities are part of a complete brain workout. They access multiple areas of your brain, maximizing skills such as:

· Learning and intellectual interests

· Connection and social relationships

· Achievement towards goals

· Positive emotional expression

· Physical wellness

For those items where you paused and thought, “No, I really didn’t have time to [insert actions here] consistently this past week, it might be beneficial spend a little more time on them. Research shows that more consistent activity and balance in the areas highlighted above directly correlates to stronger neural connectivity across your brain.

What does that mean? It means you will not only keep your brain strong, but you will also help it remain nimble. The more balance you provide, the more your brain can access your side range of skills and capabilities. A potential direct result? Improved quality of life.

So, turn up that song and dance!

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