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Purpose. Vision. Action. Clarity. These are the Leadership Pillars of Success. When a leader is equipped with these tools or “pillars,” and communicates them clearly to their team, it is the formula for success. Unfortunately, it is rare to find all four cared for and maintained by leaders, which ultimately leads to confusion, and burnout for their teams. Or a leader might have these articulated in their own mind, but lack the ability to communicate them clearly and effectively.


Of these four keys or pillars to success, which one might be the most important? The answer lives in the above sentence. Clarity.


What is it, exactly? What does it mean? According to Merriam-Webster it is “the quality of being easily understood” and “the state of having a full, detailed, and orderly mental grasp of something.”  When you bring clarity to a situation, you essentially clear the chaos, and provide definition and focus.


In short, you clearly, concisely communicate your plan. Your team’s Vision, Purpose Actions, Success Measures. You check in frequently to ensure you are still on track, and course correct when needed.


It sounds so fundamental, but, as a coach, I find these keys to success – Clarity, most importantly – missing for 99% of my executive coaching clients. Not because they don’t know how to do it, but because they are too caught up in the chaos of planning, meetings, and constant activity.


As a leader, clarity might be the greatest gift you can give your team. It is your job to hit the pause button on the chaos and re-center yourself – which means re-centering and grounding your team.  Enlist their brainpower to ideate and strategize.  Empower them to execute. With clarity of vision, purpose, path, accountability, and goals everyone is marching in the same direction.


“Clarity is the preoccupation of the effective leader. If you do nothing else as a leader, be clear.”

– Marcus Buckingham

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